Tuesday 15 February 2005, 17:25 Makka Time, 14:37 GMT
The conference held in London in 2004 between April 26 to 28 saw the partecipation of many US and England based companies in search for higly remunerative contracts to sign for the re-building of Iraq.
The fact that bombs and missiles are still hissing by Iraqi cityzens does not matter after all.
The Procurement day 2004 in London was quickly and ironically underlined by an handful of brits and foreigners protesters, dressed like pigs and showing money to the passers-by.
Shell, ChevronTexaco, ExxonMobil, the US arms company Raytheon were only some of the 300 companies invited to the fantastic opportunity of making money after a war, all of them are linked in a way or another to very influent businessmen both in England and Usa when not directly to the most influential politicians.
It is out of doubt that none of those companies are very sorry in the perspective of making bilion of dollars on the Iraqi war and meanwhile providing for the country an impossible self development in the future.
Jesus said once, that if you really want to help a poor man you should not give him fish but explain him how to fish, it works better...
Now, Iraq needs help and not to be invaded by foreigner interests as it's always been since the Great Britain claimed the city of Mosul to be part of Iraq in 1925, causing one of the biggest problem in the country, the presence of Kurds in a totally hostile environment.
Il Romanaccio at 4:30 PM