Monday 21 February 2005, 8:21 Makka Time, 5:21 GMT
The biggest prisoners-release operation ever made in ten years by Israel started today from the Ketziot jail in Israel's Negev desert where 500 Palestinians were freed by the authorities to follow the deal reached by Abbas and Sharon in the February 8 meeting.
Also the liberation of the prisoners comes after the historical decision made by Israel of a pull-back from the Gaza Strip.
Abbas needed as many Palestinians prisoners to come back in their country as a condition expressed by the fighters in the Gaza Strip to stop violence.
Sharon apperently understood that there was no other way to start talking with Hamas and others revolutionary groups in Palestine and decided to start with the liberation of arrested Palestinians.
There are no prisoners found guilty of attacks against Israel in this first 500 people freeing operation as decided in the agreement between Israel and Palestine.
All of them will reach freedom after 5am (0800 GMT) on crossing points at the border of the two countries.
There still are about 8000 Palestinians being held in Israeli jails.
Il Romanaccio at 12:08 PM