IRAN SIGNED MILITARY DEAL WITH IRAQIn recent history they have been
enemies for two decades, since the Iran -Iraq war began in 1980. The US government was also sure about the fact that the Muslim-fanatic Iran was causing problems to Iraq right after Saddam Hussein's regime was ruled out.
Iran and Iraq are now signing a military agreement which involves Iranian help in training Iraqi soldiers.
Admiral Ali Shamkhani, Iranian Defence Minister, said the deal will start a new era of relations between the two Middle Eastern countries:
It's a new chapter in our relations with Iraq. We will start wide defence cooperation," he said to his Iraqi collegue, Sadoun al-Dulaimi.
"We're going to form some committees which will be involved in mine clearance, identifying those missing from the war and also... to help train, rebuild and modernise the Iraqi army," he also added.
Even if Iran was recently accused by both the US and Iraqi governments of compromising the situation in Iraq and helping terrorists to enter the country,
the defence ministers were sure about the fact that no one could prevent them from talking and reaching agreements.
No one can prevent us from reaching an agreement," and "Nobody can dictate to Iraq its relations with other countries," were in fact the comments of Shamkhani and al-Dulaimi, respectively.
Il Romanaccio at 11:37 AM