IRAN TO RESTART NUCLEAR PLANSThe Iranian government announced on Sunday that they will partially restart the production of enriched uranium, due to the expiration of the August 1 deadline previously agreed with the international mediators.
The new Teheran cabinet will, however, continue talks with the European commission over the issue in an attempt to reach a new agreement. A political and economic offer from the so-called European "big three", France, Britain and Germany, is ready to balance the loss of the nuclear opportunity by Iran.
"We will continue our talks with the EU. Iran will not resume uranium enrichment," and "the Europeans have until 1700 (1230 GMT) today to submit their proposals," a spokesman for the Supreme National Security Council told Reuters.
Ali Aghamohammadi also added that, in case Iran does not receive any proposal from the EU,
the only activity we will resume is to lift part of the uranium conversion facility at Isfahan and it will be only limited activities."
London denies the existence of any deadline related to the issue on the grounds that they wanted to talk about the nuclear program with
President Ahmadinejad and his cabinet on August 3.
Teheran has instead claimed its right to a peaceful nuclear program under the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). But even if the
ex-Iranian President Katami wanted to wait for the European approval, "we prefer to do it with their agreement", he said, the USA is still an arch enemy of the Middle Eastern state.
A European diplomat, speaking from the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, said that they were "warning about the consequences of breaking the suspension and that this will lead to the matter being taken to the UN Security Council." This seems a straight message to the new Iranian cabinet, which is now forced to make a decision on the matter in a short amount of time.
Il Romanaccio at 11:31 AM