Even if it's necesseray to pay for it, once in a while i'd like to suggest everyone who can pay a few dollars to read the article about Tariq Ramadan recently pubblished by The New Republic and written by Paul Berman. It represents a good opportunity to understand what is behind al-Quaeda and it's allies...
The Islamist, the journalist, and the defense of liberalism.
Who's Afraid of Tariq Ramadan?
by Paul Berman Post date 05.29.07 Issue date 06.04.07
Tariq Ramadan is a charismatic and energetic Islamic philosopher in Europe who has become popular and influential among various circles of European Muslims during the past fifteen years--originally in Geneva, where his father founded the Islamic Center in 1961; then in Lyon, the French city closest to Switzerland, where Ramadan attracted a following of young people from North African backgrounds; then among French Muslims beyond Lyon; at the Islamic Foundation in Leicester, in Britain, where he spent a year on a fellowship; among still more scattered Muslim audiences in Western Europe, who listened to his audio recordings and packed his lecture halls, normally with the men and the women sitting demurely in their separate sections; among Muslims in various Francophone countries in Africa--and outward to the wider world...
Il Romanaccio at 11:39 AM